Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is aggressive cancer found in the slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile through the liver. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program contains abundant molecular profilings of over 20,000 primary cancer and matched normal samples spanning 33 cancer types. In this notebook, we demonstrated how to retrieve RNA expression data of project TCGA-CHOL from Genomic Data Commons (GDC) data portal, and perform data analysis and visualization using a pipeline provided by an R package GDCRNATools
This pipeline was modified based on the manual of GDCRNATools.
Li R, Qu H, Wang S, Wei J, Le Zhang, Ma R, Lu J, Zhu J, Zhong W, Jia Z (2021). GDCRNATools: GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, mRNA, and miRNA data in GDC.
Love, M.I., Huber, W. & Anders, S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biol 15, 550 (2014).
Ritchie, M. E., Phipson, B., Wu, D., Hu, Y., Law, C. W., Shi, W., & Smyth, G. K. (2015). limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies. Nucleic acids research, 43(7), e47.
Robinson, M. D., McCarthy, D. J., & Smyth, G. K. (2010). edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 26(1), 139–140.
# suppress warnings (to include warnings,set warn to 0)
############################################################################## Pathview is an open source software package distributed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). Details of GPLv3 is available at Particullary, users are required to formally cite the original Pathview paper (not just mention it) in publications or products. For details, do citation("pathview") within R. The pathview downloads and uses KEGG data. Non-academic uses may require a KEGG license agreement (details at ############################################################################## Attaching package: ‘dplyr’ The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: filter, lag The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
The R package of GDCRNATools
uses gdc-client
data transfer to download the object file. Run the command below to download and unzip gdc-client.
unzip("", exdir=".")
within the pakcage namespace.gdcGetURL_new <- function(, data.type) {
urlAPI <- ''
if (data.type=='RNAseq') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'Gene Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'STAR - Counts'
} else if (data.type=='miRNAs') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'Isoform Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'BCGSC miRNA Profiling'
} else if (data.type=='Clinical') {
data.category <- 'Clinical'
data.type <- 'Clinical Supplement'
workflow.type <- NA
} else if (data.type=='pre-miRNAs') {
data.category <- 'Transcriptome Profiling'
data.type <- 'miRNA Expression Quantification'
workflow.type <- 'BCGSC miRNA Profiling'
project <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"cases.',
'project.project_id","value":["',, '"]}}', sep='')
dataCategory <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'data_category","value":"', data.category, '"}}', sep='')
dataType <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.data_type",',
'"value":"', data.type, '"}}', sep='')
workflowType <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'analysis.workflow_type","value":"', workflow.type, '"}}', sep='')
if ( {
dataFormat <- paste('{"op":"in","content":{"field":"files.',
'data_format","value":"', 'BCR XML', '"}}', sep='')
content <- paste(project, dataCategory, dataType, dataFormat, sep=',')
} else {
content <- paste(project, dataCategory, dataType,
workflowType, sep=',')
filters <- paste('filters=',URLencode(paste('{"op":"and","content":[',
content, ']}', sep='')),sep='')
expand <- paste('analysis', 'analysis.input_files', 'associated_entities',
'cases', 'cases.diagnoses','cases.diagnoses.treatments',
'cases.demographic', 'cases.project', 'cases.samples',
'cases.samples.portions', 'cases.samples.portions.analytes',
'cases.samples.portions.slides', sep=',')
expand <- paste('expand=', expand, sep='')
payload <- paste(filters, 'pretty=true', 'format=JSON',
'size=10000', expand, sep='&')
url <- paste(urlAPI, payload, sep='')
return (url)
toolenv <- environment(get("gdcGetURL", envir = asNamespace("GDCRNATools")))
unlockBinding("gdcGetURL", toolenv)
assignInNamespace("gdcGetURL", gdcGetURL_new, ns="GDCRNATools", envir=toolenv)
assign("gdcGetURL", gdcGetURL_new)
lockBinding("gdcGetURL", toolenv)
# download RNA-seq quantification files of project TCGA-CHOL
# downloaded files will be stored under TCGA-CHOL_0406/RNAseq folder, respectively
project <- 'TCGA-CHOL_0406'
rnadir <- paste(project, 'RNAseq', sep='/')
# Download RNAseq data
gdcRNADownload( = 'TCGA-CHOL',
data.type = 'RNAseq',
write.manifest = FALSE,
method = 'gdc-client',
directory = rnadir)
# Query metadata(e.g. patient gender, vital status) from GDC graph
# Metadata associated with RNA-seq quantification file
metaMatrix.RNA <- gdcParseMetadata( = 'TCGA-CHOL',
data.type = 'RNAseq',
write.meta = FALSE)
# Filter duplicates
metaMatrix.RNA <- gdcFilterDuplicate(metaMatrix.RNA)
# Filter non-Primary Tumor and non-Solid Tissue Normal samples in RNAseq metadata
metaMatrix.RNA <- gdcFilterSampleType(metaMatrix.RNA)
Removed 0 samples Removed 0 samples
file_name | file_id | patient | sample | submitter_id | entity_submitter_id | sample_type | gender | age_at_diagnosis | tumor_stage | tumor_grade | days_to_death | days_to_last_follow_up | vital_status | project_id | |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | |
TCGA-3X-AAV9-01A | 913eff0d-52b9-4e73-9351-970393b2f523.rna_seq.augmented_star_gene_counts.tsv | 43ac405a-93dc-4241-86be-3f034ba1eafb | TCGA-3X-AAV9 | TCGA-3X-AAV9-01 | TCGA-3X-AAV9-01A | TCGA-3X-AAV9-01A-72R-A41I-07 | PrimaryTumor | male | 26349 | NA | NA | 339 | NA | Dead | TCGA-CHOL |
TCGA-3X-AAVA-01A | ad57a542-3089-47f7-8750-382adff65e97.rna_seq.augmented_star_gene_counts.tsv | 37f36a91-44ec-433a-a7ce-06f982b54f52 | TCGA-3X-AAVA | TCGA-3X-AAVA-01 | TCGA-3X-AAVA-01A | TCGA-3X-AAVA-01A-11R-A41I-07 | PrimaryTumor | female | 18303 | NA | NA | 445 | NA | Dead | TCGA-CHOL |
TCGA-3X-AAVB-01A | 40538197-4671-4420-928e-7262cf452396.rna_seq.augmented_star_gene_counts.tsv | 74f1a110-9ebb-4f5b-a6d0-4575602b4195 | TCGA-3X-AAVB | TCGA-3X-AAVB-01 | TCGA-3X-AAVB-01A | TCGA-3X-AAVB-01A-31R-A41I-07 | PrimaryTumor | female | 25819 | NA | NA | NA | 402 | Alive | TCGA-CHOL |
TCGA-3X-AAVC-01A | 2cfef5ef-b6f6-43fa-a5f6-8959c24ed654.rna_seq.augmented_star_gene_counts.tsv | 1615db37-9b6e-4aca-b4e1-354beaa5fc3a | TCGA-3X-AAVC | TCGA-3X-AAVC-01 | TCGA-3X-AAVC-01A | TCGA-3X-AAVC-01A-21R-A41I-07 | PrimaryTumor | female | 26493 | NA | NA | NA | 709 | Alive | TCGA-CHOL |
TCGA-3X-AAVE-01A | edb6e6ac-5199-445b-a9d6-c08ec61c9dea.rna_seq.augmented_star_gene_counts.tsv | 9432a7f6-59ad-44e1-b18b-5b7a366b3b88 | TCGA-3X-AAVE | TCGA-3X-AAVE-01 | TCGA-3X-AAVE-01A | TCGA-3X-AAVE-01A-11R-A41I-07 | PrimaryTumor | male | 21943 | NA | NA | NA | 650 | Alive | TCGA-CHOL |
brief summary tables
for several numeric and factor clinical vairables in metaMatrix.RNA (all the patients involved in this notebook)# Summary of several numeric variables in metadata
metaMatrix.RNA[,c("age_at_diagnosis", "days_to_death", "days_to_last_follow_up")] %>% summary()
age_at_diagnosis days_to_death days_to_last_follow_up Min. :10659 Min. : 21.0 Min. : 0.0 1st Qu.:21407 1st Qu.: 220.5 1st Qu.: 168.0 Median :24933 Median : 555.0 Median : 679.5 Mean :23647 Mean : 615.8 Mean : 767.0 3rd Qu.:26556 3rd Qu.: 721.0 3rd Qu.:1190.0 Max. :30039 Max. :1939.0 Max. :1976.0 NA's :21 NA's :20
# Counts of few factor variables in metadata
gender_counts <-metaMatrix.RNA %>% group_by(gender) %>% tally()
sample_type_counts <- metaMatrix.RNA %>% group_by(sample_type) %>% tally()
vital_status_counts <- metaMatrix.RNA %>% group_by(vital_status) %>% tally()
# modify three tables
gender_counts$category <- c("gender","gender")
colnames(gender_counts)[1] <- "value"
sample_type_counts$category <- c("sample_type","sample_type")
colnames(sample_type_counts)[1] <- "value"
vital_status_counts$category <- c("vital_status","vital_status")
colnames(vital_status_counts)[1] <- "value"
# coombined 3 tables
combined_counts <-rbind(gender_counts, sample_type_counts, vital_status_counts)
combined_counts <- combined_counts[,c("category","value", "n")]
category | value | n |
<chr> | <chr> | <int> |
gender | female | 22 |
gender | male | 22 |
sample_type | PrimaryTumor | 35 |
sample_type | SolidTissueNormal | 9 |
vital_status | Alive | 21 |
vital_status | Dead | 23 |
# Define the function to merge all RNAseq quantification files into one datadrame
merge_rna <-function(metadata, fdir){
filelist <- list.files(fdir, pattern="*.tsv$",
recursive = TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(filelist)){
iname <- basename(filelist[i])
isamplename <- metadata[metadata$file_name==iname, "sample"]
idf <- read.csv(filelist[i], sep="\t", skip=1, header=TRUE)
# remove first 4 rows
remove <- 1:4
idf_subset <- idf[-remove, c("gene_id","unstranded")]
names(idf_subset)[2] <- isamplename
if (i==1){
combined_df <- idf_subset
} else {
combined_df <- merge(combined_df, idf_subset, by.x='gene_id', by.y="gene_id", all=TRUE)
# remove certain gene ids
combined_df <- combined_df[!(grepl("PAR_Y", combined_df$gene_id, fixed=TRUE)),]
# modify gene_id
combined_df$gene_id <- sapply(strsplit(combined_df$gene_id,"\\."), `[`, 1)
# use gene_id as row names and remove gene_id column
rownames(combined_df) <- combined_df$gene_id
combined_df <- combined_df[,-which(names(combined_df) %in% c("gene_id"))]
rnaCounts <- merge_rna(metaMatrix.RNA, "TCGA-CHOL_0406/RNAseq")
TCGA-4G-AAZT-01 | TCGA-W5-AA30-01 | TCGA-W5-AA33-01 | TCGA-W5-AA38-01 | TCGA-3X-AAVC-01 | TCGA-W5-AA2Z-01 | TCGA-4G-AAZO-01 | TCGA-W5-AA34-01 | TCGA-W5-AA2H-01 | TCGA-ZD-A8I3-01 | ⋯ | TCGA-W6-AA0S-01 | TCGA-W5-AA30-11 | TCGA-ZU-A8S4-11 | TCGA-W5-AA34-11 | TCGA-W5-AA2I-11 | TCGA-W5-AA31-01 | TCGA-W5-AA2T-01 | TCGA-W5-AA2R-11 | TCGA-W5-AA2X-01 | TCGA-W5-AA2O-01 | |
<int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | ⋯ | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | <int> | |
ENSG00000000003 | 7504 | 5109 | 11312 | 8228 | 3948 | 5141 | 1627 | 8124 | 226 | 5236 | ⋯ | 3621 | 3075 | 4088 | 4812 | 4679 | 13662 | 10316 | 3529 | 3310 | 2868 |
ENSG00000000005 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1 | ⋯ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
ENSG00000000419 | 1120 | 1637 | 968 | 1694 | 1246 | 1191 | 756 | 1769 | 1139 | 1210 | ⋯ | 1484 | 635 | 740 | 976 | 648 | 2135 | 1501 | 718 | 1881 | 1488 |
ENSG00000000457 | 300 | 2256 | 1296 | 385 | 906 | 1469 | 1224 | 954 | 461 | 644 | ⋯ | 452 | 313 | 261 | 477 | 295 | 1841 | 1330 | 284 | 966 | 823 |
ENSG00000000460 | 71 | 914 | 349 | 214 | 182 | 326 | 137 | 280 | 130 | 319 | ⋯ | 160 | 81 | 143 | 62 | 35 | 568 | 482 | 57 | 678 | 301 |
# show the number of genes in the rnaCounts dataset
performs TMM normalization using edgeR package
(Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2010) and further transforms the data by the voom method using limma package
(Ritchie et al. 2015). We can transformt the expression counts using this method.# Normalization of RNAseq data
rnaExpr <- gdcVoomNormalization(counts = rnaCounts, filter = FALSE)
Here, we use RNA-seq quantification data as an example to perform differential gene expression analysis (DE)
using GDCRNATools package. The method we're using here is DESeq2
, which uses the raw counts and models the normalization inside the Generalized Linear Model (GLM). Users have option to choose other DE analysis tools, including edgeR and limma
DEGAll_CHOL<- gdcDEAnalysis(counts = rnaCounts,
group = metaMatrix.RNA$sample_type,
comparison = 'PrimaryTumor-SolidTissueNormal',
method = 'DESeq2',
DE analysis using DESeq2 may takelong time with a single core estimating size factors estimating dispersions gene-wise dispersion estimates mean-dispersion relationship final dispersion estimates fitting model and testing -- replacing outliers and refitting for 546 genes -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds) estimating dispersions fitting model and testing
symbol | group | baseMean | logFC | lfcSE | stat | PValue | FDR | |
<chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | |
ENSG00000103569 | AQP9 | protein_coding | 8840.999 | 6.007747 | 0.9816702 | 6.119924 | 9.362013e-10 | 3.377136e-06 |
ENSG00000118271 | TTR | protein_coding | 91664.228 | 6.485842 | 1.0603392 | 6.116761 | 9.549624e-10 | 3.377136e-06 |
ENSG00000125740 | FOSB | protein_coding | 3661.055 | 4.414379 | 0.7206975 | 6.125149 | 9.059886e-10 | 3.377136e-06 |
ENSG00000139547 | RDH16 | protein_coding | 8076.709 | 6.352152 | 1.0388866 | 6.114385 | 9.693033e-10 | 3.377136e-06 |
ENSG00000249948 | GBA3 | pseudogene | 2517.538 | 6.174002 | 1.0140134 | 6.088679 | 1.138463e-09 | 3.377136e-06 |
Volcano plot
is a scatterplot to visualize statistical significance (P value) versus magnitude of change (fold change). It allows quick identification of genes which shows large fold changes between groups and are also statistically significant.gdcVolcanoPlot(DEGAll_CHOL)
shows the composition of differntially expressed genes based on gene type.gdcBarPlot(deg = DEGAll_CHOL, angle = 45, data.type = 'RNAseq')
fc = 2, pval = 0.01
.# all DE genes passed filtering
deALL_CHOL <- gdcDEReport(deg = DEGAll_CHOL, gene.type = 'all')
# DE long-noncoding
deLNC_CHOL <- gdcDEReport(deg = DEGAll_CHOL, gene.type = 'long_non_coding')
# DE protein coding genes
dePC_CHOL <- gdcDEReport(deg = DEGAll_CHOL, gene.type = 'protein_coding')
and SolidTissueNormal
with statistical significance.dim(dePC_CHOL)
dePC_CHOL dataset
. Both genes were identified as up-regulated
in the tumor tissue.gdcCorPlot(gene1 = "ENSG00000103569",
gene2 = "ENSG00000118271",
rna.expr = rnaExpr,
metadata = metaMatrix.RNA)
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
The method of gdcEnrichAnalysis
is able to take the output of gdcDEReport
as input and perform gene enrichment analysis.
enrichOutput <- gdcEnrichAnalysis(gene = rownames(deALL_CHOL), simplify = TRUE)
### This step may take a few minutes ### Step 1/5: BP analysis done! Step 2/5: CC analysis done! Step 3/5: MF analysis done! Reading KEGG annotation online: Reading KEGG annotation online: Step 4/5: KEGG analysis done! Step 5/5: DO analysis done!
Terms | Counts | GeneRatio | BgRatio | pValue | FDR | foldEnrichment | geneID | geneSymbol | Category | |
<chr> | <int> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | |
1 | GO:0006631~fatty acid metabolic process | 57 | 57/368 | 389/18285 | 1.122390e-32 | 2.118248e-29 | 7.280688 | ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000138109/ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000183549/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151726/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000162365/ENSG00000198848/ENSG00000100197/ENSG00000119508/ENSG00000083807/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000165841/ENSG00000183747/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000167600/ENSG00000186480/ENSG00000166148/ENSG00000198610/ENSG00000138115/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000130649/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000135218/ENSG00000066813/ENSG00000165996/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000166035/ENSG00000172831/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000198099/ENSG00000243955/ENSG00000130208/ENSG00000130988/ENSG00000132855/ENSG00000184227/ENSG00000164120/ENSG00000197408/ENSG00000062282/ENSG00000079385/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000119927/ENSG00000165475/ENSG00000110245/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000009950/ENSG00000118137/ENSG00000106853/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000052802/ENSG00000110243/ENSG00000119673/ENSG00000163686/ENSG00000167315 | CYP3A4/CYP2C9/ACOX2/ACSM5/EHHADH/CYP4F2/ACSL1/CYP4A11/CYP4A22/CES1/CYP2D6/NR4A3/SLC27A5/PCK2/CYP2C19/ACSM2A/ACADSB/CYP2S1/INSIG1/AVPR1A/AKR1C4/CYP2C8/ABCB11/CYP2E1/PCK1/CD36/ACSM2B/HACD1/CYP4F12/LIPC/CES2/FABP1/ADH4/GSTA1/APOC1/RGN/ANGPTL3/ACOT1/HPGD/CYP2B6/DGAT2/CEACAM1/PHYH/GPAM/CRYL1/APOC3/ACAA1/MLXIPL/APOA1/PTGR1/ETFDH/SCP2/MSMO1/APOA5/ACOT2/ABHD6/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
2 | GO:0044282~small molecule catabolic process | 56 | 56/368 | 374/18285 | 1.303537e-32 | 2.118248e-29 | 7.439840 | ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000025423/ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000135094/ENSG00000100024/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151790/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000005421/ENSG00000119711/ENSG00000179761/ENSG00000146233/ENSG00000129596/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000123453/ENSG00000183044/ENSG00000117009/ENSG00000110887/ENSG00000151224/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000084110/ENSG00000198650/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000144908/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000118520/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000036473/ENSG00000171759/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000198099/ENSG00000130203/ENSG00000172482/ENSG00000113492/ENSG00000135929/ENSG00000132541/ENSG00000158104/ENSG00000176974/ENSG00000139344/ENSG00000111275/ENSG00000173597/ENSG00000166816/ENSG00000160282/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000140263/ENSG00000109576/ENSG00000168237/ENSG00000113924/ENSG00000105852/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000117305/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000008311/ENSG00000167315 | CYP3A4/HSD17B6/ACOX2/SDS/UPB1/EHHADH/CYP4F2/TDO2/CYP4A11/PON1/ALDH6A1/PIPOX/CYP39A1/CDO1/PCK2/SARDH/ABAT/KMO/DAO/MAT1A/ACADSB/HAL/TAT/ABCB11/ALDH1L1/PCK1/ARG1/CYP4F12/OTC/PAH/FABP1/ADH4/APOE/AGXT/AGXT2/CYP27A1/RIDA/HPD/SHMT1/AMDHD1/ALDH2/SULT1B1/LDHD/FTCD/PHYH/SORD/AADAT/GLYCTK/HGD/PON3/ACAA1/HMGCL/ETFDH/SCP2/AASS/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
3 | GO:0046395~carboxylic acid catabolic process | 45 | 45/368 | 234/18285 | 4.016802e-31 | 4.351535e-28 | 9.555288 | ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000135094/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151790/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000005421/ENSG00000119711/ENSG00000179761/ENSG00000129596/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000123453/ENSG00000183044/ENSG00000117009/ENSG00000110887/ENSG00000151224/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000084110/ENSG00000198650/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000144908/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000118520/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000036473/ENSG00000171759/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000172482/ENSG00000113492/ENSG00000132541/ENSG00000158104/ENSG00000176974/ENSG00000139344/ENSG00000166816/ENSG00000160282/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000109576/ENSG00000113924/ENSG00000105852/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000117305/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000008311/ENSG00000167315 | ACOX2/SDS/EHHADH/CYP4F2/TDO2/CYP4A11/PON1/ALDH6A1/PIPOX/CDO1/PCK2/SARDH/ABAT/KMO/DAO/MAT1A/ACADSB/HAL/TAT/ABCB11/ALDH1L1/PCK1/ARG1/CYP4F12/OTC/PAH/FABP1/AGXT/AGXT2/RIDA/HPD/SHMT1/AMDHD1/LDHD/FTCD/PHYH/AADAT/HGD/PON3/ACAA1/HMGCL/ETFDH/SCP2/AASS/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
# adjust the plot size
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 8, repr.plot.res = 100)
# plot result of gene enrichment analysis using KEGG category.
gdcEnrichPlot(enrichOutput, type='bar', category='KEGG', num.terms = 20)
gdcEnrichPlot(enrichOutput, type='bar', category='GO_BP', num.terms = 20)
bubble plot
# alternatively, user can visualize the gene enrichment results in bubble plot
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 8, repr.plot.res = 100)
gdcEnrichPlot(enrichOutput, type='bubble', category='KEGG', num.terms = 20)
gene ontology biological process
(GO_BP) fatty acid metabolic process
, small molecule catabolic process
, organic acid biosynthetic process
. Liver is the central organ for fatty acid metabolism. enrichOutput[grep("GO_BP", enrichOutput$Category),] %>% arrange( desc(Counts)) %>% head(5)
Terms | Counts | GeneRatio | BgRatio | pValue | FDR | foldEnrichment | geneID | geneSymbol | Category | |
<chr> | <int> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | |
1 | GO:0006631~fatty acid metabolic process | 57 | 57/368 | 389/18285 | 1.122390e-32 | 2.118248e-29 | 7.280688 | ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000138109/ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000183549/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151726/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000162365/ENSG00000198848/ENSG00000100197/ENSG00000119508/ENSG00000083807/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000165841/ENSG00000183747/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000167600/ENSG00000186480/ENSG00000166148/ENSG00000198610/ENSG00000138115/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000130649/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000135218/ENSG00000066813/ENSG00000165996/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000166035/ENSG00000172831/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000198099/ENSG00000243955/ENSG00000130208/ENSG00000130988/ENSG00000132855/ENSG00000184227/ENSG00000164120/ENSG00000197408/ENSG00000062282/ENSG00000079385/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000119927/ENSG00000165475/ENSG00000110245/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000009950/ENSG00000118137/ENSG00000106853/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000052802/ENSG00000110243/ENSG00000119673/ENSG00000163686/ENSG00000167315 | CYP3A4/CYP2C9/ACOX2/ACSM5/EHHADH/CYP4F2/ACSL1/CYP4A11/CYP4A22/CES1/CYP2D6/NR4A3/SLC27A5/PCK2/CYP2C19/ACSM2A/ACADSB/CYP2S1/INSIG1/AVPR1A/AKR1C4/CYP2C8/ABCB11/CYP2E1/PCK1/CD36/ACSM2B/HACD1/CYP4F12/LIPC/CES2/FABP1/ADH4/GSTA1/APOC1/RGN/ANGPTL3/ACOT1/HPGD/CYP2B6/DGAT2/CEACAM1/PHYH/GPAM/CRYL1/APOC3/ACAA1/MLXIPL/APOA1/PTGR1/ETFDH/SCP2/MSMO1/APOA5/ACOT2/ABHD6/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
2 | GO:0044282~small molecule catabolic process | 56 | 56/368 | 374/18285 | 1.303537e-32 | 2.118248e-29 | 7.439840 | ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000025423/ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000135094/ENSG00000100024/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151790/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000005421/ENSG00000119711/ENSG00000179761/ENSG00000146233/ENSG00000129596/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000123453/ENSG00000183044/ENSG00000117009/ENSG00000110887/ENSG00000151224/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000084110/ENSG00000198650/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000144908/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000118520/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000036473/ENSG00000171759/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000198099/ENSG00000130203/ENSG00000172482/ENSG00000113492/ENSG00000135929/ENSG00000132541/ENSG00000158104/ENSG00000176974/ENSG00000139344/ENSG00000111275/ENSG00000173597/ENSG00000166816/ENSG00000160282/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000140263/ENSG00000109576/ENSG00000168237/ENSG00000113924/ENSG00000105852/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000117305/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000008311/ENSG00000167315 | CYP3A4/HSD17B6/ACOX2/SDS/UPB1/EHHADH/CYP4F2/TDO2/CYP4A11/PON1/ALDH6A1/PIPOX/CYP39A1/CDO1/PCK2/SARDH/ABAT/KMO/DAO/MAT1A/ACADSB/HAL/TAT/ABCB11/ALDH1L1/PCK1/ARG1/CYP4F12/OTC/PAH/FABP1/ADH4/APOE/AGXT/AGXT2/CYP27A1/RIDA/HPD/SHMT1/AMDHD1/ALDH2/SULT1B1/LDHD/FTCD/PHYH/SORD/AADAT/GLYCTK/HGD/PON3/ACAA1/HMGCL/ETFDH/SCP2/AASS/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
3 | GO:0016053~organic acid biosynthetic process | 49 | 49/368 | 314/18285 | 2.015004e-29 | 1.309752e-26 | 7.753782 | ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000132840/ENSG00000138109/ENSG00000183549/ENSG00000135094/ENSG00000100024/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000162365/ENSG00000198848/ENSG00000100197/ENSG00000083807/ENSG00000146233/ENSG00000129596/ENSG00000183044/ENSG00000183747/ENSG00000117009/ENSG00000145692/ENSG00000021826/ENSG00000186480/ENSG00000166148/ENSG00000198610/ENSG00000138115/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000130649/ENSG00000066813/ENSG00000165996/ENSG00000036473/ENSG00000166035/ENSG00000116761/ENSG00000171759/ENSG00000130208/ENSG00000172482/ENSG00000113492/ENSG00000135929/ENSG00000180432/ENSG00000176974/ENSG00000130988/ENSG00000060982/ENSG00000079385/ENSG00000182551/ENSG00000110245/ENSG00000009950/ENSG00000118137/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000143627/ENSG00000110243/ENSG00000008311/ENSG00000171766/ENSG00000161653 | CYP3A4/BHMT2/CYP2C9/ACSM5/SDS/UPB1/CYP4A11/CYP4A22/CES1/CYP2D6/SLC27A5/CYP39A1/CDO1/ABAT/ACSM2A/KMO/BHMT/CPS1/INSIG1/AVPR1A/AKR1C4/CYP2C8/ABCB11/CYP2E1/ACSM2B/HACD1/OTC/LIPC/CTH/PAH/APOC1/AGXT/AGXT2/CYP27A1/CYP8B1/SHMT1/RGN/BCAT1/CEACAM1/ADI1/APOC3/MLXIPL/APOA1/SCP2/PKLR/APOA5/AASS/GATM/NAGS | GO_BP |
4 | GO:0008202~steroid metabolic process | 46 | 46/368 | 318/18285 | 3.429327e-26 | 1.592188e-23 | 7.187500 | ENSG00000139547/ENSG00000160868/ENSG00000138109/ENSG00000025423/ENSG00000144852/ENSG00000134240/ENSG00000005421/ENSG00000198848/ENSG00000100197/ENSG00000083807/ENSG00000146233/ENSG00000165841/ENSG00000171234/ENSG00000091831/ENSG00000160870/ENSG00000186480/ENSG00000198610/ENSG00000138115/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000130649/ENSG00000166035/ENSG00000131482/ENSG00000196620/ENSG00000130208/ENSG00000130203/ENSG00000135929/ENSG00000180432/ENSG00000116678/ENSG00000132855/ENSG00000173597/ENSG00000158874/ENSG00000087237/ENSG00000197408/ENSG00000062282/ENSG00000121691/ENSG00000084674/ENSG00000109929/ENSG00000165029/ENSG00000213398/ENSG00000069667/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000118137/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000052802/ENSG00000110243/ENSG00000167315 | RDH16/CYP3A4/CYP2C9/HSD17B6/NR1I2/HMGCS2/PON1/CES1/CYP2D6/SLC27A5/CYP39A1/CYP2C19/UGT2B7/ESR1/CYP3A7/INSIG1/AKR1C4/CYP2C8/ABCB11/CYP2E1/LIPC/G6PC/UGT2B15/APOC1/APOE/CYP27A1/CYP8B1/LEPR/ANGPTL3/SULT1B1/APOA2/CETP/CYP2B6/DGAT2/CAT/APOB/SC5D/ABCA1/LCAT/RORA/ACAA1/APOA1/SCP2/MSMO1/APOA5/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
5 | GO:0046395~carboxylic acid catabolic process | 45 | 45/368 | 234/18285 | 4.016802e-31 | 4.351535e-28 | 9.555288 | ENSG00000168306/ENSG00000135094/ENSG00000113790/ENSG00000186115/ENSG00000151790/ENSG00000187048/ENSG00000005421/ENSG00000119711/ENSG00000179761/ENSG00000129596/ENSG00000100889/ENSG00000123453/ENSG00000183044/ENSG00000117009/ENSG00000110887/ENSG00000151224/ENSG00000196177/ENSG00000084110/ENSG00000198650/ENSG00000073734/ENSG00000144908/ENSG00000124253/ENSG00000118520/ENSG00000186204/ENSG00000036473/ENSG00000171759/ENSG00000163586/ENSG00000172482/ENSG00000113492/ENSG00000132541/ENSG00000158104/ENSG00000176974/ENSG00000139344/ENSG00000166816/ENSG00000160282/ENSG00000107537/ENSG00000109576/ENSG00000113924/ENSG00000105852/ENSG00000060971/ENSG00000117305/ENSG00000171503/ENSG00000116171/ENSG00000008311/ENSG00000167315 | ACOX2/SDS/EHHADH/CYP4F2/TDO2/CYP4A11/PON1/ALDH6A1/PIPOX/CDO1/PCK2/SARDH/ABAT/KMO/DAO/MAT1A/ACADSB/HAL/TAT/ABCB11/ALDH1L1/PCK1/ARG1/CYP4F12/OTC/PAH/FABP1/AGXT/AGXT2/RIDA/HPD/SHMT1/AMDHD1/LDHD/FTCD/PHYH/AADAT/HGD/PON3/ACAA1/HMGCL/ETFDH/SCP2/AASS/ACAA2 | GO_BP |
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
(KEGG)Complement and coagulation cascades
, Drug metabolism
, PPAR signaling pathway
, and Cholesterol metabolism
.enrichOutput[grep("KEGG", enrichOutput$Category),] %>% arrange(desc(Counts)) %>% head(5)
Terms | Counts | GeneRatio | BgRatio | pValue | FDR | foldEnrichment | geneID | geneSymbol | Category | |
<chr> | <int> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | |
1 | hsa04610~Complement and coagulation cascades | 25 | 25/243 | 84/7932 | 1.301771e-18 | 3.228391e-16 | 9.714874 | KEGG | ||
2 | hsa00982~Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450 | 20 | 20/243 | 69/7932 | 7.397923e-15 | 9.173424e-13 | 9.461442 | KEGG | ||
3 | hsa03320~PPAR signaling pathway | 19 | 19/243 | 75/7932 | 5.342162e-13 | 2.649712e-11 | 8.269300 | KEGG | ||
4 | hsa04979~Cholesterol metabolism | 17 | 17/243 | 50/7932 | 4.224998e-14 | 3.492665e-12 | 11.098272 | KEGG | ||
5 | hsa00830~Retinol metabolism | 17 | 17/243 | 66/7932 | 6.966688e-12 | 2.879564e-10 | 8.407782 | KEGG |
R package. KM analysis divides patients into high-expression and low-expression groups by a user-defined threshold. We used median
as the threshold in this analysis.survOutput <- gdcSurvivalAnalysis(gene = rownames(deALL_CHOL),
method = 'KM',
rna.expr = rnaExpr,
metadata = metaMatrix.RNA,
sep = 'median')
# Sort the output of univariate survival analysis based on pvalue
survOutput$pValue <- as.numeric(survOutput$pValue)
sorted_survOutput<- survOutput[order(survOutput$pValue),]
symbol | HR | lower95 | upper95 | pValue | |
<chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | |
ENSG00000123358 | NR4A1 | 0.265008942850108 | 0.105127510696949 | 0.668043401055915 | 0.0116 |
ENSG00000116785 | CFHR3 | 3.12054093878408 | 1.2339512529299 | 7.89154006489807 | 0.0167 |
ENSG00000135929 | CYP27A1 | 2.866063444389 | 1.1207663875984 | 7.32919880374424 | 0.0269 |
ENSG00000130222 | GADD45G | 2.55988000772578 | 0.956995777323486 | 6.84745513954245 | 0.0305 |
ENSG00000119508 | NR4A3 | 0.344812485123398 | 0.136685987765886 | 0.86984519657287 | 0.0331 |
# pick the most significant gene ENSG00000123358 for KM visualization
gdcKMPlot(gene = 'ENSG00000123358',
rna.expr = rnaExpr,
metadata = metaMatrix.RNA,
sep = 'median')